Trip Work/Sick Work

Because much of what we do in class is hands-on or discussion-based, assigning make-up work for family trips or student absences is not realistic. Instead, if a student needs to miss school for an important family event, we ask that the student keep a journal of the trip in which he or she writes a paragraph about significant moments. We also like to see kids take photos, which they can then use to create a Power Point or a special webpage about their trip when they get back to school. Absent students also need to keep up on their nightly homework reading and should be logging their minutes on their assignment calendar. Absent students should spend at least 30 minutes each day in each of our online platforms: Lexia, Happy Numbers, and Reflex. They’re all accessible through Clever. Students should also check our Google Classroom page to see if we’re streaming or working in Storyworks online that day.

Students can also do extra credit work. For information about extra credit, click here.

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