Category Archives: Kid Posts
Rayden’s Summer Fun
Nightmare Update
No doubt many of you have had a few spider dreams this summer. Meanwhile, Rayden has had to put up with the real thing! She reports the following: “Nightmare has been doing well. She was holed up the better part of summer vacation. She slowly stared uncovering her hole, and we thought we could finally see her. Come to find out, it wasn’t her! She had been molting. She was hiding a little further back. It looked as if there were two spiders with her molted “skin” in there. That evening she uncovered the entire opening to her cave, and finally emerged. Hungry and thirsty! We tried to remove her molted “skin” intact to save for the class to see, but we didn’t have luck on our side.” Click on the picture of Nightmare top watch a quick video of her waving and dancing!