The Super Sentence program requires students craft one error-free sentence of a specific structure. The kids write and respond to practice sentences early in the week and then test late in the week. This was our first week in the program, so the structure was “Standard Sentence.” The topics were beasts, kindness, and Bubbles (either our class monkey or regular old bubbles). You can read the final sentences by clicking on “replies” below.
Bubbles was nice as a baby, but as he got older and older he got meaner and meaner!
I was waking in the woods and I saw three beasts eating a bird.
Bubbles had no more kindness in his heart.
I saw a dragon soaring over a cow in the woods.
I love taking a bath with bubbles.
I was camping with my Dad and saw a beast fighting a bear.
Bubbles is a beast but he used to be kind.
I love the movie Beauty and the Beast!
The monster under my bed grabbed my foot and I screamed.
Bubbles doesn’t have any kindness any more because he’s a beast.
I went to a movie and it was about beats.
When I was a little kid I was taking a bubble bath and then my mom came in and said it was time to get out.
Bubbles is a cute monkey but he is a hide and seek champ and he is crazy old.
I imagine myself as a monster.
Whenever I sleep I cry because there are monsters under my bed!
i saw a beast in the woods
I think Bubbles the monkey is nice.