Kids, this is an assignment for Wednesday afternoon. Post your detailed sentence from last week’s test by clicking on “Leave a Reply” below. Be sure to fix any mistakes on the copy I returned to you.
Kids, this is an assignment for Wednesday afternoon. Post your detailed sentence from last week’s test by clicking on “Leave a Reply” below. Be sure to fix any mistakes on the copy I returned to you.
My friend, Kaylin told me at school yesterday that she used to play softball, and she never got any homeruns.
Last week I went out in the woods to explore, and I saw a quarter horse laying down with a sloth on his head!
One day on my school bus,the bus driver was sleepy at the red light and sadly, an old lady got ran over!
I do not know what a homerun is, so I’m going to talk about mermaids.
Two years ago Venom had black and red Quarter horses who hit fifty mph homeruns on a baseball field.
One day Venom was playing baseball with a black baseball and hit it across the world on a quarter horse named Fred.
One nice evening I was walking down 4th street and I saw venom eating people.
Venom was playing baseball with a quarter horse when he hit a homerun the horse was so happy he started dancing.
Once, at a baseball field, Venom hit a home run but he had to go to the bathroom, but unfortunetly the urinal was broken!
Venom was playing baseball with a quarter horse when he hit a homerun, and the horse was so happy he started dancing.
One night Venom was hangry ,so he ate Narouto,and he tasted like ramen.
When I was camping with Savannah, we got bit by a snake and we got snake venom in our blood, so we could not walk.
Two days ago I saw my quarter horse eat a venomous snake, and then she turned into a unicorn
When you play baseball you hit homeruns.
Last Tuesday I saw Venom (Eddie Brock) Riding a quarter horse hitting a homerun at the baseball field. 🙂
One time I hit a homerun and we won.
One time i went to a ball game with my friend to watch her brother play,and her brother got a homerun.
Venom beat Carnage in a battle and ate him.
On sunday I saw Venom and Riot, and they were eating people.
r4When I was at a park I saw something coming towards me, and it was big and black, so I ran because ,IT WAS VENOM!
When I was at a park I saw something coming towards me and, it was big and black so I ran, IT WAS VENOM!
Carnage hit a home run then he sal a quarter horse.
One day I saw venum , and he ate a dog.
In the movie Venom Let There Be Carnage I think Carnage will win.