In-person school today for those who signed-up this week. Whether you come to school or not, you still need to get everything done on the Checklist in Classwork. The most important item is to edit and revise your Cats vs Dogs paragraph. That assignment is in Classwork. It tells you you have to check MY COMMENTS in Slides. Look for the messenger icon in the upper right corner in Slides. As of 8 pm last night, only 12 students had submitted their rough draft on the paragraph template. You have to submit your rough draft before I can give you feedback, and you must see my feedback before creating your final draft.
A reminder about work load…I’ve been assigning Acellus Science and now history only on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The idea is that you do science and history on one day and Lexia and Math Facts the next. No need to do them all on the same day unless you’ve fallen behind! The same goes for SeeSaw activities. This week you had a social/emotional lesson, an art project, and a cursive lesson…no need to do them all at once. Do one every other day and you’ll find your overall workload pretty easy. Happy Numbers, math homework, and daily reading, however, are EVERY DAY activities.
Special thanks to all of you who voted by email for the new read aloud–The Witches by Roald Dahl. It is fantastic! I’m reading it in person to the “in-person” classes today, but I will post chapter one on the Read Aloud tab here on The Platy at 12:30. (Note: it doesn’t promote witchcraft. It is a work of fiction in which the witches are the bad guys…just like a fairy tale.)
Today’s math homework is a more complicated version of yesterday’s SeeSaw assignment. You must convert between standard form (numbers written as numbers such as 1,492), expanded form (numbers broken into values such as 1000+400+90+2) and numbers written in word form (such as one thousand, four hundred ninety two). If you’re not sure how to do it, re-watch yesterday’s math video.