Download your Mini Math sheet in Classroom at 8:15 for the 8:30 match. You could win a donut badge (which is worth a real donut later on!).
Zoom Groups W & 7 meet at 9:30 (Group W: Daimon, Kaleb, Daimien, Max, Sea, Connor, Gabe, and Quinton); (Group 7: Rachel, McKinna, Shayla, Maizie, Keila) . Your invite will pop up in Classroom at 9:25.
Zoom Groups Z & 4 meet at 10:30 (Group Z: Liam, Cash, Isaiah, Damon, Waylon, Dayton, Dom, Karysn); (Group 4: Jordann, Bre, Scarlet, Kylie, Roxy, and Kelsi). Your invite will pop-up in classroom at 10:25.
This is the last day for these groups…you’ll have new ones based on your In-Person groups next week. For IN-PERSON learning, here is the schedule. Sadly, some of you don’t get to come to school just yet. Please don’t be angry. We have to follow really strict rules. If you’re not listed in a group, there is still space for 2 students in each group.
Today’s history lesson is here. You have a math homework sheet. In this one you must name the PLACE (column) AND the VALUE. For example, in 123.678, if we were asked to name the place and value for the number 6 digit, we would write “tenths.” For the value we would write six-tenths or 6/10. Please also do 20 minutes of Happy Numbers. By the way, congrats to Bre (3rd place) and Liam (4th place) for FINISHING Acellus Math Facts!
Speaking of Acellus, I once again believe I have fixed the Science Class. Please do whatever lessons you are on, but do not go past lesson 25. Thanks! You need to finish lesson 25 by Friday.
There are a few other things listed on the Checklist for today, one of which is your CHAPTER Book assignment. Be finishing, see the assignment, and try to have it done by Monday if at all possible.
Have a great day, kids. Considering how awkward all this remote stuff is, most of you are doing a fantastic job. Remember, too, that these are stressful times for your families. The more you can do ON YOUR OWN, the better it is for everyone. Visit me by email or in the Classroom Stream if you need help.