Don’t worry kids. It will get better! Right now we’re still just trying to figure things out, but in a few weeks you’ll no longer be spending all your time learning how to log in or place nice in Zoom. Instead we’ll be able to start doing neat things like Mystery Science and Exhibition projects.
Today we start in Google Classroom at 8:30 for Super Sentences.
At 9:30 groups W & 7 will meet in Zoom. At 10:30 groups Z & 4 meet. Notice those times are switched from yesterday (that’s fair, right?).
In reading you need to spend at least 20 minutes in Lexia. I also have this article from Storyworks about giant snakes…pythons that are eating Florida!.We will start this article during our Zoom meeting, but you can read it ahead of time too if you want.
In math, as of 7 p.m. last night, I still hadn’t seen Happy Numbers pre-tests from Cash, Daimon, Damien, Gabe, Isaiah, Kaleb, and Sean. If you can’t figure out how to get in (hint: it’s in Clever), let me know and I will help. The rest of you should continue doing whatever lessons Happy Numbers throws at you…but slow down. A lot of you are going so fast you’re making silly mistakes. The Happy Numbers tyrannosaurus doesn’t like that…he will EAT YOU if you don’t slow down and be careful! (Plus, the computer sends me alerts.) Don’t forget to spend some time working on Math Facts in Acellus, and also do Homework Sheet E.
GREAT JOB Shayla, Connor, Damien, Scarlet, Rachel, Sean, Isaiah, Waylon, Domenic, Keila, Kelsi, Gabe, Roxy, Bre, Jordann, Liam, Kylie, Damon, and McKinna! Not only did you get your Eyeball Licking quiz turned in on time, but almost all of you passed it! The rest of you need to add it to your list of things to get done TODAY! (The alternative assignment is to demonstrate on video that you can lick your own eyeball.)
You also have a history entry (CLICK HERE), Part 5 from Boy, and your PE & Reading Log to fill out. For PE, the idea is to try a different workout each day. We’ll vote on your favorites soon.
Remember, progress reports go home on Thursday. Want to have a free weekend (the smoke is supposed to have cleared by then)? Then get your work done! Scroll back over the last two posts here on The Platy to make sure you haven’t missed something.
See you in Classroom at 8:30!