It’s Wednesday already! You know what that means? We start our day with Mini Math. This is all easy review stuff from October! I’m posting it in Classroom…I’m going to ask you to share your answers as comments in our morning thread, so be ready to get rolling at 9 a.m.
The rest of the day looks like this:
READING: We’ve talked about all kind of things slaves did to be free. Dred Scott sued through the Supreme Court. Harriett Tubman ran away. Henry Brown mailed himself to the North. Nat Turner tried to kill his way to freedom. Today you’re going to read about Lizzie Keckley. She worked super hard and BOUGHT her freedom with cash. She eventually became Mrs. Lincoln’s seamstress and assistant. Some believe her influence may have been what convinced President Lincoln to go to war over slavery. Her story appears as a PDF and comes with a fun puzzle/quiz called Spin a Word Wheel. Both items are in Classwork.
MATH: Converting improper fractions (such as 16/3) to a mixed number (such as 5 and 1/3) is super easy if you watch the video (made by another former Roadrunner, Taylor Rose). It’s just division with a remainder! For example, 16/3 would be 16 divided by 3. On the three times table, the closet number to 16 is 15, which is 3×5. We know, then, that 15 divided by 3 is 5. That means 16 divided by 3 is also 5 but with one leftover (the remainder). That means that 16/3 is the same as 5 wholes with 1 remainder. In fractions we’d write that as 5 1/3. Notice the denominator didn’t change? The denominator (the bottom number on the fraction) tells you which times table or fact family to use. Do Worksheet B as classwork, check to make sure you’re doing it right, and then do Worksheet A as homework. I’ll be asking you to prove you know what’s up on your End of Day Review Quiz.
HISTORY: All about Abe. Click on the Today’s History Lesson.
WRITING: Today is editing day. I’ve posted a list of things to do to edit your movie review. Of course, you have to have written it first. If you didn’t get your rough draft done, go back to yesterday’s lesson. They’re in Classwork.
PE: Free choice day: bike, run, do karate, parkour, whatever you want but you must do SOMETHING for at least 20 minutes and then report it on your End-of-Day Review. If you log-in to the Portland Trail Blazers Instagram feed at 10:00 you can join their workout. Call it “Sweatin’ with the Trail Blazers.”
Room of Shadows Ch. 17 is posted in the Read Aloud. Also, if you haven’t been to the school’s Teacher Read Aloud site, go take a look. You can hear short picture book read alouds from some of your favorite teachers.
Lastly, you have your End of Day Review Quiz in Classwork (which includes your reading log for last night), and I also want to encourage you to log-in to Reflex and practice your math facts. Oh, don’t forget about your DARE Family Talk #1. And can anybody come up with some jokes to share during tomorrow’s 9 a.m. Classroom stream?
Remember, this pandemic is stressful on everybody, so be patient with your family members, be kind to the people working at grocery stores, and practice social distancing so that you stay safe and all this ends as quickly as possible.