The weather is supposed to improve over the next couple of days, but that’s no excuse for neglecting your studies. Still, I encourage you to get them done EARLY so that you can get outside in the afternoon when it’s sunny. Vitamin D…YES!
Start your day by creating a list in your composition journal entitled “Ten People Who Give Orders” (such as generals, police officers, and doggy obedience instructors). Share your list in the first Google Classroom thread of the day.
Yesterday’s Super Sentences were great. Let’s do the same routine today (in Classroom) but with topics: Ant Man, “April Showers Bring May Flowers,” and killer ravens. Remember, STAY IN THE THREAD (you guys did SO MUCH BETTER yesterday…we’re getting this!)
We have a neat story by Roland Smith in Storyworks called “There Were Giants.” It bears similarity to the “No Boundaries” story yesterday. How far would you go to save your grandfather? The story comes with a quiz and a skills worksheet I want you to try. They’re all on the Classwork tab in Google Classroom. Before beginning, make sure you know these vocab words: impression, treacherous, throttle, eternity, and gurney. If you aren’t certain, Google ‘em before reading the story.
I’ve posted another reading log for last night’s reading, and I’ll post an end-of-the day quiz after lunch. Remember, I’m grading these daily quizzes. They’re kind of a way for me to make sure you’re getting all your classwork done. If you have silly answers, or no answer at all, it tells me you’re either being really sloppy or not actually doing the work.
A lot of you said if you’d been a slave, you’d take your chances trying to escape. Many slaves tried to. Some succeeded. And of those, some of them went on to “fight back” in a different way. For today’s history entry, learn about an escaped a slave who went by the name Sojourner Truth. She fought back without violence. You’ll find this in the Home Instruction tab here on The Platy.
Room of Shadows Chapter 8 is about thugs and mummies. It’s actually Chapters 8 and 9, but they’re both so short I’ve combined them into one. Poe is really starting to show up! The Read Aloud page is now located in the Main Menu at the top of this page.
For PE, try out this 25 minute workout: The fitness dude works you pretty hard, but he points out that you can pause and take a short break to catch your breath whenever you need to. Can you make it all the way through his workout?
For math, you have a quiz. It’s on page 212 in your math textbook, “Check Progress A.” I’ve posted a Google Form where you can post your answers. There are 20 altogether covering divisibility, factorization, GCF, and equivalent fractions. If you don’t remember how to do one of the problems, each section tells you the page numbers where we covered it. Just go back and review! Because you’re taking a test today, I didn’t assign any math homework. Yay!
Finally, don’t forget to share your Wacky Road Sign in Google Docs (if you can). That’s due by Thursday. And don’t forget to start your new “novel project.” You need to be reading a chapter book and by the end of the month you need to complete a project about it. We’ll talk more about the kinds of projects you might try during Thursday’s Zoom meeting.