Welcome to May, kids. I continue to be really impressed with the kids who are managing to show up every day, to get their work turned in, and to come to Zoom with a cheerful attitude. Awesome job!
Speaking of Zoom, our play practices were a bit rough. We’ll be practicing together again on Monday but you need to have read through your part a whole bunch of times by then–with an adult if possible. Also, when we meet you need to focus on the play reading. No doing other work at the same time. No playing with your pet dog, caterpillar, or tarantula. No watching TV or yapping with family members. If our “Zoomer’s Theater” is going to work, you need to focus on just one thing: our script. Asante!
Anyhoo… I’ve tried to keep things fairly simple today. For Math you have a “pop quiz.” It’s on page 266 in your math text book, but there’s a form in Classwork where you must submit your answers.
For reading all you’re doing is following along with me while I read a story about Sitting Bull called “A Boy Called Slow.” Listen to my video while you follow along with your eyes. The assignment is in Classwork.
You also have the usual stuff: a history entry, a literary terms journal entry, and your End-of-Day Quiz. For PE, go through our PE stretching routine in this order (write them down): Mountain, Tree, Cat, Downward-facing Dog, Cobra, Plank (followed by five push-ups), Roadkill, Dead Body, Rack, Leg Lifts (3 times), Bicycle (20 rotations each direction), and Happy Baby. Then repeat in reverse order: Bicycle, Leg Lifts, Rack…etc. until you get back to Mountain. Hold each position while you breath slowly in and then exhale out three times. If you’re doing this correctly, it should take you about 15 minutes. Don’t rush it!
Finally, don’t forget your DARE Family Talk #3 (questions about it on your End of Day Quiz) and your Chapter Book Project. Both are due. And if you haven’t checked your email to find out how you did on your Super Sentence test, do that too. After all that, go enjoy your weekend! Love ya, miss ya!