Today we’re trying something a little different. You can do these activities on your own schedule. You can start as early as you want or do them as late as you want, as long as you finish by the time we have our Zoom meetings at 5, 5:20, and 5:40.
Warm-up: Complete the Mini Math Sheet in Google Classroom. You can download and print or just view it online and write your answers on a sheet of paper or in your composition journal. I’ll be picking random problems as a quiz for you to take during our Zoom meeting, so SAVE ALL YOUR ANSWERS.
Writing: Post a Super Sentence in Google Classroom (I’ve started a thread). Remember, STAY IN THAT THREAD. As people share their sentences, please offer feedback (to at least two people) but DO NOT LEAVE THE THREAD. Keep reading all the comments for feedback for your sentence. The sample and topics appear in Classroom. Come back in the evening to see my feedback for you.
Reading: “Game Changer” in Storyworks. It’s posted in Classroom. If you’re still not figuring out how to log-in, see the post on The Platy. It’s right beneath this one. If you read “Game Changer” yesterday, you must re-read it today so that you can complete the Google Form assignment that goes with it. TURN IT IN in Google after you finish it.
Math: Greatest Common Factor. Watch this video, read page 204 in the math text, and then do worksheet A. It comes with an answer key to check your work, but make sure you’re figuring it out because you must pass an exit ticket later today. Worksheet B is your math homework for tonight.
Write down today’s History Entry in you composition journal. It appears here.
Read Aloud: Listen to Chapter 5 of Room of Shadows (make sure you’ve already listened to the earlier chapters).
PE: Did you know that 4,500 McDonald’s burgers are eaten every 60 seconds? Explore this chart of amazing things that happen in 60 seconds and then see what you can do in 60 seconds. Use the timer on your phone to try some fitness challenges. How many jumping jacks can you do in 60 seconds? Can you stay in plank position for a full sixty seconds? Take a few deep breathes and then see if you can hold your breath for 60 seconds. Share your results in Classroom. What else can you do in 60 seconds? Come up with some ideas to challenge your classmates with a Classroom post.
Attend our EVENING Zoom Meetings: Keepers of the School at 5:00, Riding Freedom at 5:20 p.m., and Dr. Doolittle at 5:40 p.m. I will send out an invite prior to the meeting. Please join the meeting only during your specified time!
Finally, I’ve created a new form for you to record your nightly reading. It appears here. After you read tonight, fill it out and turn it in in Classroom. Thanks! Have a great day!