Class Work for Friday, April 3

Welcome back, 5th graders! Special thanks to all of you who showed up for our small group class meetings last night. It was wonderful to see you! Future meetings will be during the day. Our next one will be Monday at 1pm.

Lots of nifty stuff for you today. Pretty easy, too! Here’s what you need to accomplish today:

Super Sentence test. The test is posted in Classroom in the tab that says “Classwork.”

Math Review: Greatest Common Factor Part 2. Click on the Home Instruction tab and the Math tab her on The Platy for information.

For reading, let’s end the week with a fun play: The Elephants and the Mice in Storyworks. Did you know elephants hate mice because the mice can run up their noses? I wonder if that plays into the story. There ‘s NO assignment with it; just read it for the fun of it, but to make sure you actually read it, there is a question on your end of day quiz about it. You’ll find the play in Google Classroom under Classwork.

Let’s not forget about cursive. Write FIVE each of lower case a, e, i, o, and u as neatly as you can on a sheet of paper. Write your signature five times too. Take a pic of it with your phone or scan it and share it with me in Google Docs.

I can’t take you too much further with inventions until I get Slavery & the Civil War covered. This segment of history is gruesome and depressing, but you need to know it. Why? (You tell me.) Click on the History tab and copy the entries into your composition journal.

Won’t you please join me an my pet raven for the next chapter in Room of Shadows? If you haven’t been listening, you’re missing out. People buried alive, skeletons running in the streets, coffins, gravestones…plus it’s the easiest assignment of the whole day. All you have to do is sit back and listen for 5 or 10 minutes.

PE: Free choice today. Take a pic of yourself exercising and share it on Docs. It’ll be worth $50 in your checkbook when we get back to class.

Speaking of checkbooks, many of you are completing every assignment and grabbing every opportunity to make the best of this situation (awesome!), but some of you aren’t doing much of anything (disappointing). How are you going to pay desk rent when we get back to school next month (and I’m confident we will)? All these quizzes and assignments are worth checkbook $, and some of you are going broke. If you haven’t been keeping up, go back and try to make-up as many assignments as you can. We’re supposed to start keeping track of GRADES and ATTENDANCE now, so your participation is critical. If you need materials or other assistance to keep up, let me know!

Finally, you have an End of Day Quiz checking up on all the work you did today, and you have a NEW reading log for EVERY DAY. Make sure you submit both of them in Google Classroom under the Classwork tab.

Have a great day. Stay strong!

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