Ah, that falls a bit flat, doesn’t it? Beaches are closed, you’re locked inside. I’m sorry. Still, we don’t have any classroom expectations for you this week other than to finish your chapter book, Doolittle, Riding Freedom, or Keepers of the School. I’ll be quizzing you on it next week. Make sure you’re recording all your reading minutes on your assignment calendar.
Otherwise, I’m still taking orders for bird house materials. I hope to have those available in the next day or two, and I plan on posting my virtual birdhouse video this week too.
Please respect the Governor’s order to stay at home. It keeps all of us safer. But do get outside. This is a good time to clean up the yard, do some gardening, to take walks (but only with your family) around the neighborhood. This is a good time to ride your bike (but stay away from other people), to help your folks clean out the garage or porch, and to do some reading.
Next week we’ll be starting full-blown online school (with some twists). You’re going to need your math book, your journal (the one we write lists in), and your log-in info for some of the programs we use it school. If you left school before the closure without those things (and your chapter book, too), email me as soon as possible. The District is working out plans about how to get them to you.
In addition to the Platy and our Google Classroom page, we’ll be introducing you to our Google “Sites” page and a group meeting platform called Zoom. It’s especially exciting because we’ll get to meet up online and talk to and see one another live! I’ll be sending out info on those items soon!
Hang in there, Rotters!