27 thoughts on “This Week’s Super Sentences

  1. “On Taco Tuesday Ansen ran into the rain forest, and he died there because he hates Tacos,” said Parker

  2. “One taco Tuesday I ate twenty tacos, and then I regretted it on Wednesday
    ,” said Laken.


  3. ”Two days ago Laken was eating tacos in the Rain Forest and then he started to play barbie dolls,” said Ansen.

  4. “I was in the rain forest and it was raining tacos on Tuesday,” said Bostyn.

  5. ”I went to taco Tuesday with Gavin. When i went to the bathroom I exploded the place and lit a fire,”said Laken.

  6. “One day we were going on a field trip on Taco Tuesday. As soon as we got to the rain forest we had to do a student vs teacher challenge,” said Brody.

  7. ” Two days ago my friend went to secret waterfall and took lots of pictures.” said Audrey

  8. One time I walked into Monsters Inc, and then I saw Mike Wazouskie using a sewing machine, and then I questioned,”Why are you making clothes even though you cant wear them?”

  9. When the angry garbage men came by, Kenzie yelled, ” Tracy saw the Monsters, Inc crew!”

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