CPE 5th graders are scheduled to head to Charleston on the Oregon Coast on May 31st promptly at 7 a.m. After a slew of activities, they’ll return exhausted to you at around 6 p.m. on Friday, June 1st. The kids have been getting all the info and printed material in class, but just in case some of it hasn’t made it to you, here’s is everything you need at this time:
2018 Coast Trip Permissions Slip
2018 Coast Trip Permission Slip – Espanol
2018 Coast Trip Volunteer Form
2018 Coast Trip Packing List
2018 Coast Trip Itinerary
2018 Tidepool Research Project (Students are working on this in class, but if they fall behind they need to complete the project at home. Completion of the project and presentation in class are requirements to attend the coast trip.)
Thanks to some grants, Oregon’s taxpayers, and the CPE PTO, the coast to attend the trip is just five bucks! Five bucks!
Adults planning on attending should plan on joining us for an organizational chaperone meeting on Tuesday, May 22nd, at 6 p.m. in Mr. Hadley’s classroom. Students will also have a cargo packing demonstration on Friday, May 25th, leaving them the weekend to get organized.
Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Mr Lewis,
If possible can Jordan Childs and Nathan Woodard be in my group together. I would appreciate it. Thank you.
hi Mr.lewis it was fun being in your class.Hope u a class like us.I hope i get to help in your class room.And how are u. Have u been reading the book if u are is it good i wont ruin it for u.hope u get this