Congrats to Room 15 Students-of-the-Month for April: Emilee B. for being constantly enthusiastic and creative. Her classmates love her for her commitment to creating and directing plays; Lydia T. for being a class leader and for being consistently good-natured. Rare is the moment when Lydia doesn’t have a smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye’ and Trevor R. for being a true gentleman. Every adult who meets Trevor is impressed by the way he carries himself, his mature manner, and the way he looks you directly in the eyes. His classmate appreciate him for being consistently kind and empathetic. Although we’re not having an awards assembly during April (due to Exhibition), we are immensely proud of these three students.
Additional congrats to our new Room1 5 employees. While there were numerous excellent candidates, we’ve decided to offer the positions to the following individuals: Zoie M.–lead custodian; Victoria T.–attendance monitor; Lydia T. — distributor; Emma H.–lap count manager; and Ella H. and Taylor R.–teacher’s assistants. Candidates who weren’t selected are encouraged to re-apply for one of the remaining openings: assistant custodian and distributor #2.
Exhibition is this Friday at 5:30. Room 15 film makers are encouraged to dress up and arrive early. More info will be shared over the course of the week.