Congrats to our students-of-the-month Sterling C. and Eliza C. Sterling has consistently been among the hardest working and most positive students in the class since Day 1. She’s earned SOTM honors for never giving up and always approaching her schooling with enthusiasm. Eliza has quietly soared to the top of the class. Her citizenship has always been excellent and now her grades are too. Great job Eliza and Sterling. We are proud of you!
The school’s floor hockey tourney starts this week with an assembly on Monday at 12:45. Our teams plays on Tuesday at 11:30. Good luck Room 15 kids!
Finally, we have a teacher-in-training in our classroom. Breanna Hawkins is in the final stretch of getting her degree in education and teaching credential through Southern Oregon University. She’ll gradually assume more and more of the classroom instruction as the year continues, so no doubt you’ll be hearing a lot about Mrs. Hawkins.
Hi Mr Lewis I am doing a project on how estuaries and wetlands affect the environment and I have a have some information, but we are not supposed to only use research off the computer so I was wondering if you could tell me some more facts if you have any. Also, your class was really fun and I miss being in fifth grade. Last, but not least, Julia says hi 🙂
Thanks, Suzy Foster
Suzy! Sorry for the slow reply…I hadn’t checked the Platy in awhile. Do you have specific questions or do you just want me to tell you what I know? HGow about emailing me at Sya hey to Julia for me too.