Room 15 kids are getting healthier while supporting malnourished kids in third world countries. Through UNICEF‘s Kid Power program, our students are earning “fitness points” which unlock nutrition packs for kids in poor African and Asian countries. UNICEF (the United Nations Children’s Fund) provided fitness bands–similar to Fitbits–for every student. Each 2500 steps earns a “point” and each 10 points earns a food packet. So far, the kids seem highly motivated to maximize their steps. To keep them going, they’re also competing against other classrooms, including Mrs. Quall’s and Mrs. Torrey’s at our school. It’s a great way to help starving kids while promoting exercise here at home. At the end of the year, students get to keep their fitness bands and charging cord. They be able to continue participating on their own via an online app. There is no cost to for the program, as our class and school was selected to participate for free through an application process. For more information on the KidPower and UNICEF, visit the KidPower website.
Ethan cheet’s
I still use my fitness band. I get about 15,000 steps a day.