Congrats! to all these former Room 15 kids who made the first trimester Honor Roll at Scenic: Allie B., Stephanie C., Kenna D., Zoie E., Olivia F., Abigail F., Yuri G., Lakenya J., Alyssa K., Sophie Q., Lilli R., Amareni S., Amelia T., Mya B., Josiah B., Simon C., Jonathan E., Rayden G., Ryder H., Jonathan J., Natalie K., Peyton K., Symphony K., Sidney L., Rose W., Kalli B., Kaitlyn H., Elizabeth H., Olivia K., Elizabeth L., Kendra R., Dylan S., Tyler B., Kyrah C., Hunter C., Gracie G., Jordan L., and Samantha P. I’m immensely proud of all of you! Keep up the great work!
You spelled my name wrong.
Plus I was in your class for 2 years.
Congrats Kiddos!!! Keep it up!!!!
Okay, Sidney. I fixed it.