Students, click on “Leave a Reply” below to post your Super Sentence for this week. Make sure you’ve corrected all your errors first!
This week Room 15 kids reviewed the elements of a sentence by crafting their first set of “Standard Sentences.” What appears below (under replies) represent their test submission. The topics were elephants in space, getting stung, and spaceships.
I was once stung by fifteen baby wasps when I was camping.
I was in my star ship eating tacos with my space elephant Moo moo.
If I was an elephant I would take my friends on a rocket ship ride into outer space.
Once I got stung by a bee on my toe and had to go to the hospital.
there was an elephant in space that was stung by an interstellar bee that was giant
I went to space with my chow Lady and she got sick because there was no gravity.
One time I saw an elephant and his name is Jerowled and he waved at me.
I was on a star ship one time and my dog was on the back of the ship so I open the door and let him in.
While my dog Panda and I were in space we looked out the star ship window and there was am elephant in a space ship getting stung by a lot of bees.
When I was in space I saw elephants in space ship and they were getting stung by bees.
I once hit a yellow jacket’s nest with a baseball,and then they started swarming me, and they all stung me.
Josh, capitals and endmarks?
When I went to space I saw an elephant chasing A rocket ship
I have a elephant he’s named Popper he eats ketchup and butter in space when he floats around and he also wheres a tutu and a unicorn horn too.
When I went to space I saw an elephant chasing A rocket ship.
One day when I was on vaction in Florida a bee stung me and I cried until I got home.
I enjoyed doing this because it was so fun.
I was at my house yesterday when i saw three fat elephants floating down from space like inflatable balloons.