The fourth and fifth grade classes will be taking an extended day field trip to the Lava Beds National Monument near Tule Lake, California (just south of the border from Klamath Falls) on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th. Students will be exploring volcanic caves and learning about the history of the Modoc Indians. Your child will need to be at CPE at 7:30 a.m. The bus departs promptly at 7:50 a.m. We will return to CPE at 5:45 p.m. Students can be picked up at the back of the building on the corner of Ash and 2nd Streets. Please be prompt in picking up your child. If your child is going to ride home with someone else or will be walking home on his or her own, please notify me prior to the trip.
While we’re often able to find grant money to cover transportation expenses, we are not able to do so for this trip. Instead, students will each need to contribute $4 (to the front office by Wednesday the 28th). Note that the National Park Service waves its park entrance fee for us. Also, because field trip approval appears on CPE’s registration materials, there is no need to complete a permission slip. Instead, please notify me if you DON’T want your child attending. Thanks.
Students will need to bring the following items on the day of the trip:
• sack lunch plus several healthy snacks for the bus ride both to and from
• water bottle (water only, no carbonated drinks or sports drinks)
• flashlight (with good batteries; test before the field trip, please)
• bicycle helmet for head protection in the caves (REQUIRED)
• sturdy shoes such as tennis shoes or hikers (no sandals or open toed shoes due to the rough, sharp terrain)
• warm clothes (dress in layers; long pants, gloves, hat) It’s 42 degrees inside the caves.
Electronic games, MP3 players, and cell phones will be allowed for use on the bus, and cell phones and cameras are welcome for taking photos throughout the trip. However, their care and security are each student’s responsibility.
If you would like to join us on this marvelous trip, please let me know right away. We need at least 6 adults to supervise small groups of students on the bus, while eating lunch, and during the exploration. Adults must be willing and able to enter the caves, stay with their group at all times, and enforce basic behavior expectations including cleaning up after lunch. We prefer that chaperones ride the bus, but we’ll work with you. Chaperones must have a volunteer app on file with the front office. If you wish to chaperone and haven’t filled out an app in the last two years, please do so right away, as it takes a week or longer to process.
This is a great trip with excellent learning opportunities! To get a taste, check out this short video from a previous excursion.
Last week a thirty-five year old elephant went to outer space and is now the leader of aliens.
I was sleeping in my bed. Then I heard something. I went outside and I saw an elephant in my backyard. It was eating my food.