A big thank you to everyone who attended the coast trip! The kids had a fantastic time and, I think, have walked away with a ton of knowledge.
Although we have just a couple weeks remaining of the school year, there are still a number of significant events planned:
> Kids have to complete a “math performance task,” the date of which is yet to be determined.
> On Tuesday, I’ll be taking pictures of all the 5th graders for the year-end baby picture program.
> On Thursday, all 5th graders visit Scenic Middle School.
> Friday is DARE Day. Kids need to wear their DARE shirts and bring a sack lunch.
> Friday, May 10th is the 5th Grade Party. It takes place in the courtyard after school. Special thanks to everyone who has donated to our volunteered to assist with it.
> Monday, May 13th is Roadrunner Day and the student-vs-staff softball game.
> Tuesday, May 14th is the year-end awards assembly and baby picture program.
Students will be receiving more information about all of these events over the coming days.
I miss you so much
Likewise. But you can (and will!) visit often, and I am certain you will love middle school.
When can I vist?
Hi guy’s I miss you so much Mr Lewis do you have Gmail and if you do what is it I miss you so much I really want to visit you this summer and haylee if you are reading this I miss you so much I with I could see you again I hope I can see you some day I really do miss you guy well I will talk to you later bye but not for long bye!!!!!!!!!