All Aboard the Coast Bus!

nudibranch_white.png.adapt.945.1.jpgWednesday morning promptly at 7 a.m. we’ll be loading up and heading out on our 5th Grade Ocean Adventure!  Kids took home their cargo lists and itinerary, and they’re busy in class presenting their tide pool research projects, which will make each of them an expert on a creature of the tidal zone. One of my favorite is the nudibranch. Think slug–just like those monsters you find munching on the hostas in your garden–but adorned in a fascinating array of shapes and colors. It is always a highlight to spot a nudibranch on the Oregon Coast. Be sure to send your kids with everything on the cargo list, including a sack lunch for Wednesday’s bus ride. As in previous years, we have one adult for every three kids going, so our students will be well-supervised. If you have any questions or concerns, e-mail me at

One thought on “All Aboard the Coast Bus!

  1. Mr. Lewis,
    My mom does not have the flyer from the coast trip because she turned it in with the money and permission slip. She was wondering if it could be possible that you can e-mail a copy of one to her or have Mrs. Diablo give one to me to give to her.

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