Congrats to our History Jeopardy Champions: Jaden R., Jaden F., Braydan, Alyssa, McKenna, Vane, and Courtney. They finished Final Jeopardy with $11,200. The students subsequently took their 2nd Trimester History exam and hits a respectable class average of 70%.
Last week students tried out for parts in the Brer Rabbit musical, which is to be presented at Literacy Night in late February. After much consideration, the following were selected: Olivia: Auntie Remus; Peyton: April; Sophie Q.: June (Will); Sidney: Brer Rabbit; Jorden: Brer Wolf; Yuri: Brer Fox; Abigail: Brer Bear; LaKenya: Brer Mouse; Allie: Brer Dog; Kaysi: Brer Coon; Kara: Brer Mink; Hailee H.: Brer Polecat; Haylee B.: Miz Meadows. Kudos to all the kids who put themselves out there in an attempt to earn a part. Those who didn’t succeed will be asked to be understudies and members of the chorus. Students will be practicing at lunch, during our computer and library times, and possibly after-school. Students are expected to memorize their lines and assemble their own costume. More info to follow.
We start new Language Arts groups on Wednesday. While we’ll continue to work on vocabulary, reading, and basic writing, the emphasis during this quarter will be on significant writing projects in preparation for standardized-testing. We’ll also be sending home progress reports covering the last 9 weeks by Tuesday, February 2nd, of not sooner.
The classroom hockey tourney is underway. We generally have games on Monday and Thursday from 1:45 to 2:15, and parents are welcome to come watch. The CPE Sportsmanship Hockey Tourney is scheduled to start near the end of February. More on that to come.
This week we have an Adopt-a-Street Clean-up of Hopkins Street on Thursday at 12:45. We need chaperones for this event. If you’re able to attend, please let me know. It’s even more important that we have chaperones for our upcoming Tree Plant field trip on Thursday, February 4th. Students took home information about this event on Friday.
I’m so nervous for it