On this week’s Super Sentence test, members of the Diamondback Group crafted “sentences expressing an opinion.” Topics included Crater Lake, the Green Bay Packers, and cherry tomatoes. To see the kids’ sentences, click on “replies” below.
On this week’s Super Sentence test, members of the Diamondback Group crafted “sentences expressing an opinion.” Topics included Crater Lake, the Green Bay Packers, and cherry tomatoes. To see the kids’ sentences, click on “replies” below.
I think the Greenbay Packers are going to win this game because the Greenbay Packers are the best football players.
I think the Green Bay Packers are better than the Seattle Hawks because the Sea Hawks are the worst.
In my opinion cherry tomatoes are not the best kind of tomatoes because they taste very diffrent from regular tomatoes.
I think crater lake is fun to go to because you get to play in the snow and see volcanoes!
I believe that cherry tomatoes don’t like the Green Bay Packers because they stink.
My Family and I used to grow cherry tomatoes in our backyard.
I think that the Green Bay Packers will win the next game because they are a really good team.
In my opinion cherry tomatoes don’t taste right because the taste doesn’t agree with my taste buds.
In my opinion the Greenbay Packers should eat more cupcakes to tap into their inner sparkle!
in my opinion crater lake is cool becase the sites are cool and awesome.
I believe cherry tomatoes are very unhealthy because they make your hair grow extremely fast.
I think the Greenbay Packers are not the best at all because they never go to the Superbowl.
In my opinion cherry tomatoes are scrumptious because I eat them all day.
In my opinion cherry tomatoes are perfect for making salsa and salad because the’re easy to cut and you don’t need to worry about seeds.
I believe the Greenbay packers are not good because they lost a lot of their games.
I think that cherry tomatoes are great for the Greenbay Packers because it makes them strong.
In my opinion the Green bay Packers rule because they won lots of games.
I believe that cherrie tomatoes are good because cherries are fruit.
In my opinion i think cherry tomatoes are special because their delicious and smaller than normal tomatoes.
I think Christmas trees should be sold before Christmas because they can fall down and if you have a cat they can get in them like my cat.