The Alpaca group were tested on their Super Sentence construction last week. They were charged with crafting an error-free “sentence expressing a fact.” For this activity, the fact itself need not be true as long as the way the sentence was constructed demonstrated that a fact was being stated, such as by using the phrases “According to” and “Research says.” The topics included lizards, swimming, and “Wow Wolves.” To read the sentences created by students, click on “replies” below.
According to Wikipedia, swimming is good for your lungs by holding your breath.
According to the zoo of New York, lizards are endangered.
According to the Narwhal Association, Narwhals swim around and fence with their huge tusks.
According to the website, Zoie Emata and Marcus Gentry’s seed times are very close.
According to professional swimmers, they always find lizards swimming in giant bowls of bacon.
Studies from the BYSC (AKA Before You Swim Check) show that if you swim in the Super 8 Hotel waters you will get the Calum Hood fever.
Studies show that wolves have three to five pups in a litter.
According to , when you go swimming in any pool there will be lizards on the bottom.
According to lizards, 5 Seconds of Summer member, Michael Clifford is awesome and dyes his hair a lot; his hair is now blonde.
According to Wow Wolf , the word wow is over used.
According to Wikipedia, wolves always hunt in packs of five or more.
Research says some people say lizards have no ears, but they do.
According to , swimming is good for you.
According to Oliver, Wow Wolf is a floating wolf head that says ” wow ”.
According to Bill Nye,lizards are very slimy.
According to studies, swimming in the Pacific Ocean helps your skin not get pimples.
According to Wikipedia,swimming is the best sport that is really popular and interesting .
According to Forest Facts,Blue Belly lizards can swim, but only in fresh water.
According to Wikipedia ,little girls such as my sister hate lizards.
According to the Daily Equestrian,the horse’s favorite food is the burrito.
According to research, lizards have a good sense of smell.
According to the YMCA Wow Wolf and his pet lizard, Berry went to a resort on mars that has a pool, so they went swimming.
According to , lizards like to go swimming in fish bowls while eating strawberries.
According to Wikipedia, when lizards are swimming they like to listen to 5SOS.
According to never look under water when it has chlorine because if you do your eyes are going to get red and hurt like getting stung by a bee.
According to Google Research bearded dragons are the most friendly lizard you could have.
According to Wikipedia, lizards are fast runners.
According to attention deficit disorder , lizards have an acute sense of smell and incredible hearing.
According to studies swimming makes you faster.
According to research, lizards have a good sense of smell. 🙂
Reserch shows anyone who eats broccoli will turn into wow wolfs.
According to the internet, Mojang was sold to Microsoft, and they own Minecraft maybe. 🙂
In my opinion cherry tomatoes should be grown beside Crater Lake because Crater Lake has fantastic water to grow them.
In my opinion cherry tomatoes should always be grown beside Crater Lake because Crater Lake has fantastic water to grow them.
I believe that the Green Bay Packers are the best team in the NFL because they won lots and lots of games.
In my opinion, cherry tomatoes don’t taste nice because they don’t have that explosion of taste in my mouth.