Congrats to our 750 Club members for this month: Mya, Haylee B., Josiah, Vanessa, J.J., Jonathan J., Alyssa, Sidney, and Sophie Q.! Each of these students recorded at least 750 minutes on their homework reading logs over the previous five weeks. That’s 150 minutes per week or 30 minutes per night, the minimum expectation for 5th grade readers. Good job, kids. They’ll celebrate with a lunch time 750 Club party on Monday.
In class this week we have a variety of special events including The Heritage Fair at Hanley Farms on Tuesday, our Table Rock hike with our first grade reading buddies on Friday, and Jackson County Sheriff’s Department Aqua Smart water safety program on Thursday. The kids are also heavily engaged in the Smarter Balanced standardized tests. Please take the time to ask them their opinion about it.
We’re also continuing our Endangered Species research writing project. Students were to have their first two paragraphs completed by Monday and will write the remaining two paragraphs this week. Students are also creating Lewis & Clark Journals. They’ll soon have an assignment of recording in their journals each evening, just like Captains Lewis and Clark did in 1804. Here’s the math homework for this week: Monday. May 18; Tuesday, May 19; Wednesday, May 20; Thursday, May 21st.