Congrats to the Epic Elephants table group for winning our first “Mathketball” tourney. Kids use their math homework to score points and get chances to earn more points with hoop shooting skills. The Epic Elephants, which consists of JJ, Sophie Q., Alyssa, Symphony, Jesse, and Giovanni, narrowly defeated the Peanut Butter JAMSH in the championship match. Well done, Elephants!
Also congrats to our new 500 Club winners: JJ, Josiah, Rayden, Jazmin, Johnathan J., Alyssa, Symphony, Sidney, Sophie Q., and Rose. By recording 500 minutes or more of homework reading over the last 5 weeks, they’ve earned a special party during an upcoming lunch. More information to follow.
In class this week we’ll be wrapping up the first trimester (already!) with a variety of low key activities. We’ll be taking our vocabulary test (the one we put off on Friday), working on basic math facts, reviewing a variety of assignments from last week, and turning in our history journals to be graded. We also hope to get our gardening club started, including plating a couple of new trees on campus. There’s no school on Friday (teachers have a class in the morning and we’ll be scrambling to put together report cards in the afternoon), and conferences are the following week. If you haven’t yet signed-up, please do so by clicking on the “Fall Conferences” tab above. Here’s the math homework for this week; Monday, Nov. 17th; Tuesday, Nov. 18th; Wednesday, Nov. 19th.