Though the 3+ mile hike was grueling for some, the kids were GREAT during Friday’s Crater Lake excursion. We climbed Garfield Peak, stopping just shy of its 7,976 ft. summit. The students had incredible views of the fifteen-story tall Phantom Ship, the legendary Llao Rock, and even Old Man of the Lake (the ancient floating tree stump–not the accompanying educator). That’s Phantom Ship over Symphony’s right shoulder (at left). For more pics from the trip, click on the picture–and stay tuned for the next episode of CPETV for more!
I’m proud of out students for doing such a good job both on the bus and at the park. I’m also appreciative of the excellent group of adult-chaperones who joined us. Thank you to Mr. Wood, Ms. Casillas, Mrs. Bugarin, Mrs. Wyatt, Mr. Qualls, Mr. Joy, Mr. Liles, and Mr. Kilbane!
Our next event is the Adopt-a-Street Clean-up on Thursday, Oct. 16th. This is a fun trip. To get an idea, check out these pics and videos from previous years. We’ll need at least a couple chaperones, and if anyone works at an organization that buys nitrile gloves in bulk, we could use a donation of approximately 150 pairs. Contact me if you have questions. More details about the Clean-up will be released later this week.
In class this week we’re resuming our Roald Dahl book clubs, wrapping up our independent novel reading presentations, and continuing our sometimes-challenging study of Place Value in math. Kids will also be getting back their most recent math exam and vocabulary test. Here’s the math homework for this week: Monday, Oct. 6; Tuesday Oct. 7; Wednesday, Oct. 8; Thursday, Oct. 9. Note that there is no school on Friday, Oct. 10. This is the old Federal Columbus Day holiday. Finally, Walk-and-Bike to School Day is this Wednesday, so be sure to help your child dust off his or her bicycle and meet us at Van Horn Park or American West Bank for the ride to school.
Looks like so much fun, and I am sorry I missed this one!! Won’t miss next year if I can help it!
awesome field trip!
its cool(: #
phantom ship looked amazing
that was a great field trip
i think its woes a good trip (:
I had a blast at Cater Lake!
I want to go to crater lake again
It was amazing
i liked it for the wild life but not the walk.It was a good view at the top
hi that was a fun field trip
love sophie tufts
this was a long field trip
I wish we could have climbed to the top.
it was AWESOME
that was the hardest feild trip hike I have ever did.
Iwasnot hear but it was probobly fun
LOVE the view! I saw old man of the lake!
i really this was a good trip (:
i really liked it it was the one of the best field trips i have ever had! besides the caves. but other wise i liked it alot!
It was AWESOME.i had a great time with my teacher and my class mates.
Great fieldtrip Crater Lake was
all teachers please don,t make me misrabl again please
At first it was really scary, but once I was up top, it was AWSOME !
The lava beds are so awsome my group scared lots of kids.
i like this pichr of sifne becuse it is osim
i thot it was asume
awsome lake
On thursday I was playing the ps3 and then mom turned the sound down.
when we took the trip to crater lake it was so beautiful
Wait intill you guys go when the snow is on the gound. Snow on the gound = disasater.
I don’t care if I spelt those wrong! 🙂