There are so many solid citizens in Room 15, any number of them would make exceptional student council members. However, we’re limited to just two. Congratulations to Sophie Q. and Yuri G. for being elected by their classmates to the CPE Student Council. Should they be unable to fulfill their duties for any reason, the alternates are Alyssa K. and Emma Z. Kudos to all the kids who put themselves out there and did such excellent presentations. Don’t worry, there will be other opportunities to lead, both this year and next, and many of you will no doubt go on to positions of leadership during your lifetime. I’m proud of all of you!
Excellent choices – those girls will do so very well.
I’m really exited for what I’m going to be doing! I don’t know yet, but I can tell it’s going to be fun! I’ll work hard and try to do my best.