Twice a year we correspond with the student in Nepal whom we sponsor to attend school. His name is Prakash. He is an excellent student and last year, thanks partially to Room 15 kids, he matriculated to college (which in Nepal is the 11th grade). His most recent letter appears here. This year’s Room 15 kids are trying to raise $300 by the June 1st deadline, which would cover Prakash’s tuition for an entire year. If each of our students contributes just $1 per month (25 cents per week!), we’d easily meet our goal. For more information about the charity including why we support it, please viist our Nepal Project page.
I contributed over five dollars to help out Prakash. Lets hope he will get to stay in school.
Oh he will stay in school unlime Nur. But I am so happy that his letters came in. When we were introduced to him he sound so smart and focused. But I may be wrong something may happen. Hopefully nothing bad will.
Lol Paige !!!
ya i hope he stays in school good luck!!
miss u all<3