As I frantically prepare report cards for parent-teacher conferences next week, I’m reminded how significant conferences are this year. The new, State-mandated report card is complex and daunting. Know going in that a “3” means the student is meeting expectations at grade level. The majority of marks for most students will likely be threes. A “4” means the student has exceeded expectations, that he or she is performing above grade level and has accomplished something over-and-above the norm (such as extra-credit). A “4” does not equate an “A.” Few, if any, students will receive fours. Be proud of your child if he or she is getting all threes. Be supportive where you see twos. Be concerned where you see ones.
Students took home new play scripts on Friday, both based on the work of Charles Dickens. The plan for Gabriel Grub and Escape from the Blacking House is to record them as podcasts or radio plays. Click on the “Student Performances” tab to hear examples of such podcasts. Gabriel Grub is similar to A Christmas Carol in that it focuses on someone being haunted for not having the Christmas spirit–and it’s a bit scary. If your child starts having nightmares about goblins, let me know and we’ll figure something out.
This week we also have a vocabulary test on Tuesday, and in math we’re working on long division. One non-traditional method of figuring long division comes from teaching-guru Marilyn Burns. It’s especially effective for kids who don’t have a firm grasp on their multiplication facts. Click here to see how it’s done. Here’s our math homework for the week: Monday, Nov. 18th; Tuesday, November 19th; Wednesday, November 20th; Thursday, Nov. 21st. Students should be showing their work on a separate sheet of notebook paper.
During Thanksgiving break (kids, here’s that red pickled eggs recipe), students are expected to complete an independent novel. Upon return to school on December 2nd, I’ll be requiring them to develop a project and presentation about the novel. Finally, there is no school on Friday, Nov. 22nd. It’s the last chance for us teachers to get these doggone report cards finished!
I warn you if you eat the red picled eggs you will only taste vinager be warned.
shes lying kids there wonderful