Room 15 Update

Daisy and Roady on Walk & Bike DayThe picture at left is my picture of the month! That’s Daisy–a Room 15 alum–getting a hug from Roady. It was Walk and Bike to School Day, just one of a dozen special events that took place during these last two weeks. Let’s list them: the Lava Beds trip, MacGregor Park, the Jog-a-Thon, our Adopt-a-Street Clean-up (see below), Student Council elections (see below), Mini-Marathon registration, the launching of our student web pages, and the release of the State of Oregon’s school ratings (in which CPE and School Distirct 6 came out looking fantastic!).  And there’s more to come including our Crater Lake trip on the 23rd (provided the Gov’t shutdown is resolved), the Harvest Fair on the 19th, the Mini-Marathon on the 31st, and the presentation of our explorer plays (date and time TBA). By the way, Marathon registrations are due by Wednesday. Students registering after that date will not receive a Marathon T shirt.

In class this week, students will be getting a new bank of vocabulary words (the test will be the following week), joining new Book Clubs (on Tuesday), taking a math test (multi-column addition and subtraction) on Friday, and much more.  Here’s the math homework for the week:Monday, Oct. 14th; Tuesday, Oct. 15th; Wednesday, Oct. 16th; Thursday, Oct. 17th.

4 thoughts on “Room 15 Update

  1. I can’t believe that the Mini Marathon is just around the corner. So many good memories.

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