Students have been learning about geology and volcanoes in preparation for last week’s trip to Lava Beds National Monument and our Oct. 23rd trip to Crater Lake, but this week they’ll be learning a bit about botany while visiting MacGregor Park on the Rogue River. Students depart Tuesday morning at 8:30 and return around 2 p.m. They’ll need to dress for the weather, which could be a bit damp and cold.
Students will also be starting a set of plays. As part of our history studies around exploration, we’ll practice and present plays about explorers from three distinctly different eras: Ponce deLeon, Lewis & Clark, and the Apollo 11 astronauts. Students are expected to practice their lines nightly (along with free reading from a book of choice). We’ll present the plays in three or four weeks.
In math, students are practicing multi-digit addition and subtraction. Most students are already reasonably proficient, so we’ll be moving quickly and viewing thus unit as a “refresher.” Here’s the math homework for this week: Monday, Sept. 30; Tuesday, Oct. 1; Wednesday, Oct. 2; Thursday, Oct 3.
fun wasn’t it !!!
I liked Macgregor park because we learned stuff and we got to see the fish.
Mr. Lewis the trip was awesome until it started pouring down rain when we were leaving. I am very thankful for the rangers that took there last hour and a half to make sure that we have a great fieldtrip…….My favorite part of the trip was seeing all of the dead fish just floating in the water.
I really liked the trip it fun learning about the trees and seeing the salmon. 🙂
I thought magrager park was very fun because the people were really nice and didn’t’ make us leave. I also liked when we got to be a tree
I thought it was super fun and I hope I can go again.
I liked Macgregor park because they gave us gives but it was still really fun
the other day I was at the park and I threw a pine cone and it broke some guys window
My favorite part was when I got to see the dead fish in the water and on land. I also got to hug a tree!
The MC Gregor park trip was fun I liked the games and the plants were pretty.
Mr. Lewis the field trip was so fantastic i really liked seeing the salmon and learning about trees. Another thing was doing those activities they were really fun.
I thought Macreagor park was rely cool because of all of the salmon
was it that fun????? wow you love to excite your kids mr.lewis! 😀
ya it was very fun and I got to hug a tree too.