I hope all my Room 15 Rotters are having a great summer. Perhaps we’ll bump into one another on the 4th of July! But what else are you doing this summer? Recent Room 15 kids still have access to your webpages, so you can post photos and tell us about your vacation activities. I’ll try to do the same here. My most recent event was a trip to Portland to see our 13 week old granddaughter, Lilla. (You can see a quick video of Lilla by clicking on the picture.) While in Portland we also did some bicycling on the Eastside Esplanade and at Champoeg State Park, bought some books at Powell’s Books, and had some nice meals out with family. How about you? What are you doing this summer? Let me know, kids.
Hi Mr. Lewis,my summer so far is good. Yesterday I looked through the yearbook at all the messages and I started bawling,my mom came in to the room and asked what was wrong then she looked at my book and just walked out of the room. I miss all of you guys and i’m sorry I haven’t been keeping in touch so don’t think I forgot you. Chowder says hi. Also next week i’m going to get my tonsils out my mom said that you wake up in a completely different room,this is my first surgery so i’m kinda scared but I think it’ll go just fine.
My uncle just came over and helped me program my new laptop. We got the following programs: Stellarium – to look at the stars,constalations,and planets from any place at all in our world. Scratch – an animation program to help make mini movies and whatnot. And finally GOLLY (or game of life) – you can make algorithms and pixels that can “fly” across the screen. I just got into the tenth (and last) book of the Ranger’s Apprentice series. Please comment back for those of you who don’t have my phone number. I am really sorry I haven’t called,I will try to,we’re just kinda busy this summer so i’ll try to find time. I miss you guys and Mr. Lewis. try to Type back. ; )
In my last post I spelled constellations wrong and I look like a total doofas.
There’s only four more days until I have to go to ENT Oregon ear nose and throat to get my tonsils out. I’m getting nervous about that. I’m also getting nervous about the fact that you guys aren’t typing back, do you even get on? please type back.
Hi Mr.Maklemore my summer has been really fun, right now I’m visiting my grandparents in Hawaii. It seems as if we have to go to a party every other day! I’m all partied out.
I had a lot of fun at ACADEMY with Grace. I learned a lot of cool stuff, I also saw Andy from fourth grade, in fact he was in one of my classes there.
After ACADEMY I went straight to Portland and got on a plane to Hawaii, from there I went to EXPLORATIONS, I had a lot of fun at EXPLORATIONS I met a lot of other people who had Hawaiian in their blood too!
Now I’m here in Hawaii, I get to spend time with my favorite cousin, who is only a year younger then me, in fact we might be going to the beach together tomorrow.
Oh one last thing befor I finish this extremely long message. I swear I’m halusinating because I saw a picture in my cousin’s year book that looked a lot like Emily! Just to be sure that I wasn’t halusinating I took a picture of the picture with my phone and sent it to Shelby and she said that it did look like Emily. I knew that I wasn’t crazy.
Well that’s my summer so far.
TR! So glad you had a great time at Academy. I hoped you learned a few things and that it made you excited about someday going to college. How about all that dorm food!?
It must be great to be in Hawaii. Refresh my memory, which island are you on? Mrs. Martins is on the Big Island right now. We’re planning on going over there for a visit next summer.
Not much going on here except that it’s hot, though not the sticky, humid Hawaii-type hot. Just a dry hot 100 degrees. Well, off to the pool!
Well now you’ve gone and misspelled doofus, too!
Emily! First, I’m GLAD you miss your classmates so much you started bawling. Second, having your tonsils out is no big deal these days; you’ll be just fine (though it really is weird to close your eyes and then suddenly find yourself in a completely different place. No dreams).
Sorry I didn’t write back sooner but we were out of town. There’s a big quilt show in Sisters, Oregon, and Mrs. Lewis had an art quilt exhibited, so we went over there and stayed with some family at a neat cabin in the woods.
Be sure to read TaylorRose’s comment. She mentions you.
Have you ever read the book, The Invention of Hugo Cabret?
Watched the slide show again today. I’m missin’ all my rotters.
I’ve heard of the Invention of Hugo Cabret but never read it. It looks interesting. Rose Taylor you hate that i’m not out of Hawaii it doesn’t sound boring,I don’t miss me (opposite.) Mr. Lewis I want you to know that no matter how big of a doofas you think I am I will always remember you. Partly because of all the times you face palmed in the middle of class because I wouldn’t shut my chew hole. Grrrr the auto correct makes me spell doofas that way! As of today there are three more days until the dreaded Friday the 19 i’m going to lose my tonsils forever, thanks for the encouraging note Mr. Lewis, did you know i’m going to get cauterized? Yipe! Anyway thank-you guys for answering back, I’ve been waiting since my first post for someone to answer so thanks
Mr. Lewis did you erase my webpage I couldn’t get on. Please tell me you didn’t.
That’s one beautiful granddaughter Mr. Lewis! Congratulations! Hope you are doing well! I saw miss Paige on 4th of July, which was very sweet. Definitely made me miss being in room 15! Had to stop by and see what I missed out on. 🙂 Miss you all, and hope everyone is doing good! Best of wishes for the upcoming school year!
Good luck on your big day miss Emily! You’ll be just fine! 😉
this is so far the most sadist and most funist summer.
I’m getting my tonsils out tomorrow its nerve racking. I’m probably going to cry. There are two ways to put people under the gas a needle or a big mask. I would rather have the needle and that’s saying something because usually I hate needles but those masks were ruined for me when I was about five I went to the dentist and they started to give me one but I totally freaked out, so the mask is definately out of the question.
In my last post I spelled definatelly wrong and I did here to but I couldn’t find the auto-correct for it so just so you know that’s what happened. And doon’t say go look in a dictionary because I don’t know where ours is and neither does my mom okay!?
Hi guys I just got my tonsils out yesterday and I had an IV in my arm then I got walked into the surgery room and they gave me an oxygen mask and told me to count back from 100 I got to 98 then I woke up in a completely different room with a sore throat I can’t eat anything but Popsicles and broth so i’m waiting for it to heal anxiously comment back please on this subject and your own summer adventures, bye.
Emily–I am so proud of you for bravely going through your tonsillectomy. Now your throat hurts so much you can hardly talk! What are you going to do?! (Leave messages on the Platy, I suppose.
Not sure what’s up with the webpages. I know they’ve been having problems with them lately. I will check on yours.
Dakoda, why sad and fun at the same time? What’s going on?
I am really excited and sad that I will be leaving Hawaii in a few days. The sad part is leaving my family, my cousins, all the parties and the plane ride back. The exciting part is that I get to see my dad in Seattle for a few days.
As for the food at ACADEMY, it was really good we had hamburgers a lot and pancakes for breakfast, Grace and I always thought about Paige when we ate breakfast. Unfortunately for Grace there weren’t any waffles there.
Even though Grace and I only had one class together I met a lot of new friends which was very helpful because I was nervouse that I wouldn’t be able to spend time with Grace, but it turns out I did and I met some really nice friends.
Summer isn’t over yet. TaylorRose 🙂
I am really excited and sad that I will be leaving Maui in a few days. The sad part is leaving my family, my cousins, all the parties and the plane ride back. The exciting part is that I get to see my dad in Seattle for a few days. Then we will have a rode trip to Oregon. I think we did that last time too, because I remember driving and we past the place that Justin Bieber was playing a concert at. By the way I DON’T like Justin Bieber any more.
As for the food at ACADEMY, it was pretty good we had hamburgers a lot and pancakes for breakfast, Grace and I always thought about Paige when we ate breakfast. Unfortunately for Grace there weren’t any waffles there.
Even though Grace and I only had one class together I met a lot of new friends which was very helpful because I was nervouse that I wouldn’t be able to spend time with Grace, but it turns out I did and I met some really nice friends.
Summer isn’t over yet.
TaylorRose 🙂
Oops I must have posted the first one on accident but the second one is better so read that one not the first one.
Really nice to hear from you, Cayenne, and and thanks for the compliment! You, too, are missed. You’re always welcome to come and visit. Hope you’re doing well.
Ohhh it hurts I wish it would be over. My mom says you can tell that I lost weight I can’t eat anything and the medicine sucks, it burns as it goes down I think I got bit by something yesterday because I have little lumps all over and they itch like CRAZY! I can’t eat cantaloupe,grapes,watermelon,chicken,macaroni,other pasta,basically nothing I feel like my stomach is eating itself. I can’t wait until the burning and throbbing stop,when that day comes we will have nothing left in our kitchen I will have eaten it all!
Mr. Lewis thank you for being encouraging in your post before the tonsillectomy I think it helped a little bit,and I did cry if anyone wanted to know,I cryed when I had to have the IV put in,but at least it was over quick.
To TaylorRose,Grace,Paige, and Dyani; I can’t eat waffles,pie,or pancakes.
Cayenne, I’m not sure if the eggs will hatch or not so i’ll keep watering them and hope for the best.
Hope you have a better summer than I’m having make sure to comment back.
Emily–I’m so sorry you’re having a rough go of it. This too shall pass. You’ll be better soon. Why don’t you e-mail me when you’re feeling better and we’ll see if we can’t set-up a summer street clean-up?
TaylorRose–glad you had fun at Academy and in Hawaii. You’ve already had a terrific summer, and yet you still have a month more to enjoy!
worst summer ever i was at the south medford basketball camp for 7 weeks i did it no about it so my parents just sign me up and i was RED HOT MAD
you forgot about the adopt -a street post it now before you forget about it
Mr. Lewis-I will try to e-mail you when I get a moment I just got on and looked at the posts so I’ll tell my mom.
My mom is wondering if I could just send you a comment on here so I will just in case, I’m all healed now and I guess we would just need a time and day what day are you thinking of?
I have a JOB heheheh my summer is great I go back to Oregon on September 1st! I’m excited and scared 🙂 miss cpe I will visit.
Hello Mr.lewis this has been an intersting summer. I signed up for Scenic yesterday I am really nervous for my first day of middle school! But the first day is just 6th graders I’m happy about that. But second day is all 6th,7th and 8th graders. I looked at the Baby slide show yesterday. I’m gonna miss CPE. 2 years does alot. I’m glad i got 4 awesome teachers while at was at CPE. Mrs.Ellebruch,Miss McNeil,Mrs.Martins and last but not least Mr.Lewis! haha. Hope you having a good summer! Because it doesnt last that long! Next month you get more nitwits. haha bye Mr.lewis.
You’re going to do great at Scenic, Itzel. Make sure you come visit us at CPE.
Ughg! Well, it looks like we’re not going to get that Adopt-a-Street Clean-up in. I’ll come up with some other way to have all you rotters get together. Glad you’re all healed up. Are you registered for Scenic yet?
I miss you guys sooooooooooo much. I can’t believe I am saying this but I miss your punches too Mr.lewis.
I had to reply on this one too because it seems that there are different people on this post then the other.I just wanted to post on this one to tell that I am having a good time and I’m not dead if people are wondering.
P.S I was vary scared when I forgot about the adopt-a-street and then I read the post.
Punches? What are you talkin’ about? Oh, you must mean fruit punch…
Thanks Mr.lewis and I will!
I can’t belive that Tuesday is the first day of school I sighned up for guitar class and I like all of my teachers my aunt and uncle are over for labor day weekend and they helped me with my math.I’m going to miss you Mr. Lewis,and those of you who are going to different schools I will miss you too. can’t wait to see you at scenic.