Kind of a Big Deal

We’re very pleased to announce that a Room 15 kid will this week be awarded the most prestigious of elementary school awards. The Rotary Student-of-the-Year Award goes to a long term student of the school who has consistently demonstrated academic excellence and exceptional citizenship. Chloe Spencer, who has attended CPE since kindergarten, is this year’s recipient, and it’s kind of a big deal! Chloe will attend the Rotary Club luncheon on Wednesday and her name will be forever emblazoned on CPE’s Student-of-the-Year plaque alongside a long list of exceptional former students. Chloe’s classmates know that she is not only an excellent student, but also a kindhearted person with nary a negative word to say about anyone. We’re proud of Chloe and look forward to seeing her continue to excel in middle school, high school, and beyond. We’re also proud of TaylorRose, who was the runner-up for the award, as well as Paige, who was among the nominees. To all of you, congratulations!

In class this week, the students will be getting a new bank of vocabulary words. They’ll also be completing their current Book Clubs, embarking on an independent novel project, and starting two new plays (The Cardiff Giant and The Stupids). They’ll also be continuing their study of fractions. Here’s our homework for the week: Monday, March 4th; Tuesday, March 5th; Wednesday, March 6th; Thursday, March 7th.  Finally, this is our last full-week with Mrs. Martins, our truly wonderful teacher-in-training. If you’d like to send her a card of encouragement or thanks, please do so!

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