Congratulations to Celina Rios and Zach Gerten for earning the January Room 15 Student of the Month Award. The award goes to students who have demonstrated excellence in both citizenship and academics. The recipients were acknowledged at Friday’s awards assembly along with Paige Birmingham, who received a Platypus Award for Best Lead Actor in a Drama for her performance in our Christmas Carol movie.
In class last week students concluded their Nutrition unit with a healthy snack party Friday afternoon. The kids are now poised to ask questions about what they eat…We’ll see if it keeps them away from processed foods and soda pop. Also, be sure to check student webpages this week to read their “Cereal Stories.”
This week students will be concluding their current Book Clubs, selecting an important event in history to write about, and concluding their geometry studies in math. The kids will have a quiz covering surface area and volume on Tuesday. Here’s the math homework for the week: Monday, Feb. 11; Tuesday, Feb. 12th, Wednesday, Feb. 13th, Thursday, Feb. 14th. Also note that our vocabulary list was never released last week. We’ll instead introduce it during the week of Feb. 19th.
Lastly, kids will be bringing home their Tree Plant field trip form this week. The Tree Plant is scheduled for Feb. 22nd. This trip never disappoints; kids and adults both say it’s one of their favorite events of the year. If you would like to join us as a chaperone, please indicate so on the permission slip.
Same here.
Same here
Hello and goodbye.
Thank you Round Table Pizza. This is where we can put it right?
Thank you round table pizza for providing us with your amazing pizza u rock