Congrats to Celina, Zach, Samuel, Sergio, Daisy, Katie, Shelby, Itzel, Chloe, Bryant, and Dyani for having their art selected for the Young Artist’s Exhibit at the Rogue Valley Mall. Their Jean Leppien imitations will be on display at the Mall over the next two weeks. A reception is scheduled for 2 p.m. o February 9th on the lower level in front of Macy’s.You can also visit each student’s individual webpage to view images of their art.
Another event this week is the Student-vs-Staff Basketball Game. This fundraiser takes place on Thursday night from 6 to 7:30. Any fifth grade student who wishes to play is allowed to provided their up-to-date in their studies and haven’t gotten in any trouble lately. Typically we have about 50 kids, so it takes ten periods of play to give them all a chance.
In class, Room 15 kids are finishing up their nutrition study with their healthy meal presentations and a look at fast food. Watch for information from Mrs.Martins about our “nutrition celebration” on Friday. We’re also continuing our Book Clubs. Students have 20 to 30 minutes per night of reading homework including a “Reader’s Guide” which they must complete and return. New vocabulary words will be released this week. You can view them by clicking here. We’re starting DARE–our drug awareness program through the City of Central Point. Officer Griffin will be in class every Wednesday morning for the next 6 weeks or so. We’re also finishing our Geometry unit by working on surface area and volume of 3-dimensional figures. Here’s the homework for this week: Monday, Feb. 4th; Tuesday, Feb. 5th; Wednesday, Feb. 6th; and Thursday, Feb. 7th. Finally, we’ve recorded our podcast of Worked to the Bone and paired it with a montage of Lewis Hine’s child labor photos from the 1930’s. Here it is: