We have some important field trips scheduled for 2013 and we’ll be in need of parents to assist by serving as chaperones. To aid you in your planning, what follows is a list of upcoming events. Note that times are approximate and that parents are required to complete a volunteer application. Jan 24th: Adopt-a-Street clean-up, 10 a.m. to noon (an Easter egg hunt, but with trash); Feb. 6th: Paper-making, 9 to noon (at CPE); Feb. 22nd: Jo County Tree Plant, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. (best trip of the year); May 23rd & 24th: Oregon Coast 5th Grade Outdoor Ed, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. (because of the nature of this trip, we try to staff it with School District 6 employees prior to inviting parents to serve. However, I still encourage you to let me know if you’re interested.) There will also be a couple other trips/events that are yet to be scheduled, so stay tuned.