Upcoming Field Trips

We have some important field trips scheduled for 2013 and we’ll be in need of parents to assist by serving as chaperones. To aid you in your planning, what follows is a list of upcoming events. Note that times are approximate and that parents are required to complete a volunteer application. Jan 24th: Adopt-a-Street clean-up, 10 a.m. to noon (an Easter egg hunt, but with trash); Feb. 6th: Paper-making, 9 to noon (at CPE); Feb. 22nd: Jo County Tree Plant, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. (best trip of the year); May 23rd & 24th: Oregon Coast 5th Grade Outdoor Ed, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. (because of the nature of this trip, we try to staff it with School District 6 employees prior to inviting parents to serve. However, I still encourage you to let me know if you’re interested.) There will also be a couple other trips/events that are yet to be scheduled, so stay tuned.

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