At least that’s what the research is saying. Today’s kids are spending more time than ever on the couch, eating more junk, and are generally less-aware about personal health than ever before. Consequently, it’s great that our wonderful student-teacher, Mrs. Martins, is starting an extensive health unit about nutrition on Monday. Students will be learning how to read nutrition labels, count calories, evaluate fat and sugar content, and in general make good choices about their diet and exercise habits. So be prepared to defend that Hamburger Helper you’re serving at dinner, and contact me if you have any questions or concerns. While we embark on this project, we’ll continue to practice our plays, we’ll have our vocabulary test on Wednesday of this week, and students will be expected to be reading from a book of choice at home.
Also this week, we’re working on an art project in which students use crayon and watercolor to imitate the works of Jean Leppien, a French artist who specialized in a variety of “modern” styles. The best pieces will be submitted for inclusion in the Rogue Valley Young Artists exhibit at the RV Mall. Students first became familiar with Leppien during math class when they were challenged to identify specific geometric elements in some of his paintings. Speaking of math, students have a chapter quiz on Tuesday of this week. They’ll then be continuing their geometry focus looking at perimeter and area. Here’s the math homework for this week: Monday, Jan. 14; Tuesday, Jan. 15; Wednesday, Jan 16; Thursday, Jan. 17th.
We’ve tentatively scheduled our second Adopt-a-Street clean-up of Hopkins Street for this Thursday, Jan. 24th from 10 a.m. to noon. We need at least three parents to join us for this event. E-mail me at or simply note you willingness to join us on the student permission slip. Thanks.
Finally, be sure to check the Vintage Video page for newly-added class pics from the last ten years.