By now all you Room 15 kids have no doubt slept in until noon half-a-dozen times, conquered sixteen levels of Mario, gone to see The Hobbit at least twice, and probably forgotten your six, seven, and eight times tables (if you ever knew them to begin with). All right children . . . it’s time to get BACK TO WORK! We’ll be jumping right back into the fray with a new set of vocabulary words, your “novel project” (hope you did your reading), and two new plays to go with The Necklace play we still want to perform. The new plays include Rudyard Kipling’s classic story from The Jungle Books, Rikki Tiki Tavi. Should be a ton of fun. The third play is called Worked to the Bone. It’s about how one photographer, Lewis Hine, worked to get kids out of America’s factories in the early 1900s. The kids were basically enslaved, yet it took decades of work to free them. Lewis Hine is most recognized for is photos of workers on skyscrapers, such as the one at left. This week we’ll also be continuing or study of geometry, looking at triangles, quads, and circles. Here’s the homework for the week: Monday, Jan. 7th; Tuesday, Jan. 8th; Wednesday, Jan. 9th; Thursday, Jan. 10th. Finally, Mrs. Martins, our wonderful student-teacher, will be starting a new unit on nutrition that’ll make you regret all those BBQ potato chips, fudge bars, and chocolate pie you’ve been scarfing during your two weeks on the sofa. See ya Monday, kids!
Oh no ! 😛
Buffalo Bill Cody died of kidney failure on January 10th,1917 and was 71 when he died. Also his birthday is February 26th,1846.
William Frederick Cody also know as buffalo bill cody was born in February 26th,1846 and was born in the Lowa Territory but lived several years in Canada before his family moved to the Kansas Territory.Buffalo bill received the Medal of Honer in 1872 and died from kidney failure in January 10th, 1917 Buffalo Bill died at 70 years.