Room 15 kids did a great job running the Jog-a-Thon; now let’s see if they can bring in the sponsor funds. They were also fantastic during our OMSI Excursion. We’ll post highlights from the trip soon. The big event this week is DARE Graduation at 1:15 on Friday, May 6th in the Music Room. This is a significant moment of 5th grade, so family members are encouraged to attend. Be sure to stop by the classroom afterward to see our Red Ribbon. It represents our students’ pledge to stay away from illegal substances. My students have been signing on it for 18 years! Congrats to Levi Kuhlman for being selected to read his DARE essay at Graduation! You can read each student’s DARE essays on their individual web pages.
This week we’ll also resume our “Wild West Week” History activities, as we fell behind in preparation for the big trip. Students need to use the weekend to complete their Book Club selections, as they’ll take a culminating test in class on Monday. They’ll also be taking their first big fractions test on Tuesday. Speaking of fractions, here’s the math homework for this week: Monday, May 2; Tuesday, May 3; Wednesday, May 4; Thursday, May 5.
OMG…I can’t believe that u just said “congrats…”I mean,I just can’t see a 49 year old teacher saying that!:)
Forty-nine? Are you crazy?
oh Makaila you should know this by now hes 59!!!!(;