Pablo Picasso is famous for his unique painting style. He once said, “It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.” Therefore, it seems sensible that children will relate to his art. Recently, Room 15 kids did their best imitation of Pablo Picasso’s “The Enamel Saucepan” (shown) using crayon and watercolor. Their unique interpretations can be viewed by clicking here. They also will be appearing in our main hallway soon.
Hi Mr.Lewis…my mom told me thaty you said that you are going to cry at the end of the year.I’m going to be sad too and i might cry also…but please don’t cry.Oh,and thank you for what you said at my confrence!Sorry I didn’t come…but i was with Mackenzie R’s party with her family!
Happy Birthday to a wonderful teacher!Have a great day and see you soon!