Many of the best school supply deals seemed to have dried up, but Bi-Mart has much of what Room 15 kids will need at decent prices: 70 page spiral notebooks, 8/$1; 1.5″ Trapper Keeper binder, $5.99; Avery Glue Stic 2 packs, 3/$1; Fiskars scissors, $1.29-1.99; Chisel tip dry erase markers, 50 cents off; and Ticonderoga pencils, $1.49 per dozen.
Wherever you buy your supplies, avoid cheapo brands. Instead, stick with quality labels such as Ticonderoga. The quality of your child’s tools makes a tremendous difference in class.
You can also utilize used supplies. There’s nothing wrong with last year’s scissors, ruler, pencils, and many other items (assuming they weren’t the cheapo brands). Be sure, however, to get the official TI calculator (see below), as students will need it through 8th grade. We have many lessons designed around this specific calculator and it is the only calculator allowed on the state math test.
Be sure to read below for more tips about school supplies. If you need the official CPE school supply list: click here. If you’d like the Room 15 version identifying all the stuff you don’t need and preferences for the rest, click here.