Baby Picture Program

Family members are invited to attend many of our year-end events including the Year-in-Review and 5th Grade Baby Picture Program at 8:15 a.m. on Wednesday, June 16th. You’ll want to bring some Kleenex. All baby pictures were returned on June 1st.

Here are all the big events for the remainder of the school year:

Tue., June 1, Science Fair Projects due in classroom
Wed., June 2nd, 1 pm, DARE Graduation (Music Room)
Thursday & Friday, June 3 & 4, Science Fair (Gym)
Fri., June 4, DARE Day (Family Fun Center)
Thu., June 10, Lava Beds Expedition–contact us if you’d like to chaperone
Fri., June 11, Classroom Play Performances, Times TBA
Fri., June 11, 5th Grade PTO Party (after school in courtyard)
Tues., June 15, Roller Odyssey trip
Wed., June 16, 5th Grade Baby Picture Program and year-end awards assembly (Gym)
Wed., June 16th, Roadrunner Day (5th grade vs. staff softball game!)
Thu., June 17th, Last Day (Two-hour early release); Next year’s class placements are tentatively scheduled to be posted; Report cards go home.

One thought on “Baby Picture Program

  1. Hey Mr.Lewis its going to be fun to see everyones baby picture. I want to see if anyone knows that it is me. I hope we get to see your baby picture that would be a blast.

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