Two weeks ’til Spring Break but still much to do. Room 15 kids are completing their second trimester of US History with History Jeopardy on Wednesday and their history exam on Thursday. This exam covers 1776 to 1845–The American Revolution to Westward Expansion. It also includes review material from the first trimester. All of this material appears in each student’s history journal, which they should be studying all week. . . . We’ve completed our second “Book Club” with a culminating book review and comprehension test. Students who didn’t fare well on the test will have an opportunity to do a make-up assignment, but because report cards are due on the 19th, they’ll need to get their work done quickly. Homework reading through Spring Break will be from material of the student’s choosing. In class we’ll be participating in DARE, learning how to write indirect quotations, reading from Storyworks, balancing our checkbooks, and more. We also hope to resume work on student web-pages. Also stay tuned for more information about our April 30th community service field trip.